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Grande Meadows Men’s Night Finale
    Grande Meadows Men’s Night held it’s final get together of the year on Saturday October 17. The finale consisted of a Front 9 5 Person Best Ball and a Back 9 individual play. From early June until September Men’s night was held on Thursday with Best Ball and Individual Play alternating each week.
     Over the course of the summer the evening was a well attended event with the emphasis on sportsmanship and fun with golf being secondary.  Over 70 different golfers attended Men’s Night throughout the summer with there being 25-30 golfers each evening.  Men’s night was open to both Grande Meadows members and non-members with Mulligan’s Restaurant supplying a lunch special each evening.
     26 golfers braved the elements on Saturday to clue up the season.  With a heavy rainstorm having passed through over night on Friday, it was decided early on to go ahead with the finale.  The weather was cool with very strong winds and a possibility of showers which never materialized.  With the course in great shape, the finale got underway at 11:00am with the group of Keith Roberts, Tom Eastman, John Bugden, Edmund Antle, Morley Adams and Richard Kelly being first team off the tee. The temperatures remained cool and the winds high but the scores were surprisingly good.  The team of Barry Stacey, Ray Warren, Kevin Carvery, Albert Pike and Eric Ayers won the team event with a 9 hole score of 5 under par 31. In individual play Jim Farewell had an even par 36 for the back 9 – a tremendous score of such a windy day. The day was capped off with a putting, chipping contest, barbecue and an awards presentation.
     Special thanks go out to the Men’s Night Organizing Committee who did such a great job over the year in making Men’s Night such a huge success. The Men’s Night Committee consisted of Ray Walsh, Ches Cribb, Edmund Antle and John Bugden.  Great job guys!!



Sportsman Ship Award


Ray Walsh left presents Eric Ayers with the Men’s Night Sportsmanship Award.  It was voted on by the golfers.



Winners Best Ball



 L to R: Kevin Carvery, Barry Stacey, Albert Pike, Eric Ayers, Ray Warren


Individual Golf Back Nine Winners:
Albert Pike and Deon Walsh
Ches Cribb and Morley Adams
Jim Farewell and Ray Walsh

Putting ContestDeon Walsh

Chipping Contest — Morley Adams

HOLE # and Prize Winners

 1             Closest to the pin 2nd shot–Barry Stacey
 2             Longest drive–Gary Higgins
 3             Closest to the pin– Edmund Antle
 4             Closest to the  white marker–Eugene May
 5             closest to red marker second shot–Tom Eastman
 6             Closest to the right side pond first shot–Charlie Loughlin
 7             Closest to the pin–John Bugden
 8             Closest to the first bunker–Edmund Antle
 9             Closest to pin first shot–Richard Kelly
10           Closest to the pin second shot–Harvey Pike
11           Longest Drive–Richard Kelly
12           Closest to the pin–Barry Stacey
13           Closest to the white marker–Eric Ayers
14           Closest to the red marker second shot–Albert Pike
15           Closest to the right side pond first shot–Charlie Loughlin
16           Closest to the pin– John Bugden
17           Closest to the first bunker– Morley Adams
18           Closest to the pin first shot–Stan McCarthy

Post Author: William Short