Barry Stacey
The idea for a challenge match between Grande Meadows and Bally Haly was brought to my attention by Chad Antle during the Men’s Night Finale in October of 2010. Chad, who works with Carl Hill mentioned that Carl had talked to him about having such an event before the annual Invitational. So I got Carl’s email address and sent him a note to see what he had in mind.
He explained to me (not that well, I must add) that such events are becoming more popular in the St. John’s area and that it would fit in well before our Annual Men’s Invitational since so many Bally Haly golfers attend. Carl enlisted the expertise of Dave Wall (who did a much better job explaining) to put together the format for the Challenge.
Thursday, Day one will be a four ball format while Friday will be singles matches. The winning team will get one point while there will be half a point for each team for a tie. The Club with the most points at the end of the two days will be declared the winner.
It looks like there will be 16 – 20 golfers on each team and players will play 18 holes per day.
Allan Murphy has donated a trophy for the event which we hope will become an annual affair.
Grande Meadows golfers are excited about the challenge and are looking forward to playing against as well as socializing with the golfers from Bally Haly.
A website has been setup to inform participating golfers about happenings relating to the challenge as well as to provide some good natured ribbing from both teams.
Website address: