1. September 23 Ladies Night Finale
Signup sheet at the clubhouse
2. September 29 & 30 Club Championship
Registration Fee: $30.00
Registration Deadline: Sunday September 23
There will be 3 Men's Divisions and 1 Ladies Division with 18 holes of golf on both Saturday and Sunday.
There will be a turkey dinner for each player on Saturday after the first round and as well there will be a buy one get one compliments of Molson Brewery.
3. October 6 Fall Fest Mixed Golf Tournament
This 18 Hole Alternate Shot tournament will be held on Saturday October 6 and incorporates fun, friendship and food.
Registration fee: $15.00 for members
$15.00 plus $11.00 for green fees for non-members
Registration Deadline: September 30
To Register: Use signup sheet at the clubhouse or call 826-2600
Prizes will be awarded for First, Second and Third in Gross Scores.
4. October 13 Men's Night Finale