GNL Level 3 Rules Webinar
Beginning in early January, GNL will again offer an internet-based program on the Rules of Golf. The target audience includes prospective new officials and individuals with some background in the rules who may be interested in becoming Level 3 (or 4) certified or re-certified at some point in the future.
The program runs one Monday night per week for 13 weeks. Each session lasts 2-2.5 hours including a fifteen minute break. Intended start date is Monday January 4/2016.
Program accommodates two types of participants. Active participants (a total of four) and auditors (up to about 20). Active participants are those intending to write the Level 3 Rules exam in April/2016. Auditors may be Level 2, 3 or 4 officials who want to keep current with the rules. Some participants may wish to upgrade their qualifications while others may wish to re-certify at their existing level. Auditors also include prospective new officials who may wish to become certified at some point in the future.
Each week the discussion will include some Powerpoint slides on the rules and some actual questions on the rules of golf. The latter begin in Week 3, These are Practice Problems of the type that appear on Level 3 (or 4) Rules exams. Only Active Participants will be responding to these problems online. But answers will be provided for every attendee during the session.
If the slide presentation of any rule does not get finished during a session, participants are expected to review that rule on their own time.
With any questions, contact program co-ordinator Bruce Watson (, GNL Rules Chair Jim Sloan ( or GNL Executive Director Greg Hillier (
Equipment Needed in Advance:
A 2016-2017 Decision Book. Available at nominal cost from GNL Executive Director Greg Hillier (
Computer with internet access. Some tablets or even smartphones may also work. Computer is best.
Noise-cancelling computer headset with microphone. USB corded versions cost about $30. USB or Bluetooth wireless sets start about $80. But, any “gaming” headset should work. The built-in computer microphone provides too much feedback.
What You Need to Do to Participate:
Email one of Bruce Watson (, GNL Rules Chair Jim Sloan ( or GNL Executive Director Greg Hillier (