Grande Meadows
Course Update
May 22, 2020
Grande Meadows golf course has been open for over a week now. With the great weather there have been a fair number of golfers hitting the fairways and greens each day. Management reports that everything is going well with very few glitches. All golfers are very diligent in following the Covid-19 regulations in place. Please keep up the good work and we will hopefully be able to ease some restrictions when the province moves to Level 3 on June 8.
There have been several inquiries as to the ZERO TOLERANCE policy in place regarding the Covid-19 guidelines and the consequences involved if there were breaches of these regulations. The following is a policy put in place by the Board of Directors at a recent meeting. This policy applies to members as well as public golfers.
This is to advise that Grande Meadows staff and members are monitoring your behavior and if a report is received regarding any violation you will be contacted by either golf captain , management and /or board of directors.
First violation: verbal warning including explanation of the guidelines.
Second violation: golfer informed to leave the premises immediately and is banned from Grande Meadows for 7 days.
Third violation: all golfing privileges suspended at Grande Meadows for remainder of 2020 season and no refunds provided.
Notwithstanding the above, anyone has the right to complete and submit a public health report form if they believe an individual or business is acting contrary to orders issues under the Public Health Protection And Promotions Act.
Click the address below to report an incident to authorities.
Many of our members have signed up for RCGA Membership and have been inputting scores. There is a new handicap program in place since January 1 and there are some changes to the program. You can check this out by going to the RCGA website. If you aren't sure of the changes you can check with Golf Captain Mike Russell. Mike suggests that the easiest way to avoid any issues with scores is to input your scores Hole By Hole and let the computer program make the necessary changes. As well Hole By Hole scores gives the course a better idea of how the different holes are playing with respect to difficulty.
Kudos to Bill and Peter for having the course in great shape for so early in the season. The tees & fairways are in mid season form and the greens are running great. Keep it up guys!
As well thanks go to our inside staff led by Kim who along with Crystal, Paula and Roxanne are getting used to the new normal in the clubhouse while keeping things running smoothly. Of course a big shout out to all the members for helping out by following the guidelines. At the same time we can't get too complacent and we must follow the guidelines set down by the Public Health Department.
Golf NL is in the process of putting together a set of what they call Best Practices to send to government for consideration as the province moves to Alert Level 3. Golf NL has reached out to all member golf courses for their input into this document which will be presented to government in the next week or so. Kudos to Golf NL President Ken Casey and Executive Director Greg Hillier for all their work on our behalf over the past few months.
Membership is coming along and we now have approximately 125 members including youth, student as wells as 19 new members. However, there is still room for some more members so please encourage anyone whom you may know that is thinking of joining up.
Grande Meadows Golf Course is offering a reduced membership fee to any person who was not an individual or corporate associate member of Grande Meadows Golf Course in 2019 of $500.00 plus HST which includes RCGA membership. There is also a reduced membership fee for youth 24 and under as well as full time students. Some people have taken advantage of those deals already. If you know of any person who would like to take advantage of this deal contact Kim at 567-0313 or Bill at 277-1101.
Kudos to long time member Bob Hoyles who carded a 1 under par score of 71 on Tuesday morning while playing alongside myself, Mike Russell and Boyd Roul. Hoyles shot 38 on the front 9 and 33 on the back 9. Included in the spectacular round was 5 birdies. It's great when one can shoot below his age for 18 holes on any course.
All the best and stay safe.
See Past Updates
May 15, 2020 | May 8, 2020 | May 1, 2020 | |
April 24, 2020 | April 17, 2020 | April 10, 2020 | April 3, 2020 |