Mike Blagdon, Bill Buffett, Perry Stone, Clayton Welsh | -5 |
Closest to the pin
Eric Ayers | Hole #3 |
Closest to the pin
Eric Ayers | Hole #7 |
Skins Winner
Carryover | Hole #7 |
50 – 50 Winner
Randell Evans | $43.00 |
Players are asked to try and get there by 4:15. If you are going to be a bit late please let Edmund Antle know by text or email so we can include you on a team. Edmund’s contact is or 277-1361.
Format: Best Ball
Thursday’s round will be a return to our regular Best Ball Format where teams will be picked by the committee.
- Teams of 4 players
- Use each players tee shot twice – if there are 3 or 5 on a team check with Committee for rules to follow.
- Remember 4 players off the tee, 4 players on the green and 4 players in between!
- Play from forward tees – Red or White
- Tee Times – 4:30 – 6:00pm
- Closest to the pin on Holes #3 and 7. Each group please take a measuring tape before you go out.
- Team skins will be in play so it is hoped all players will participate.
- Optional 50/50 will be held.
- See you all there
Canada Day Treat – Will be given out this Thursday July 8.
The Men’s Night Committee will provide each player registered with a beverage before or after your game – that could be a Molson beer, a drink of liquor or a non-alcoholic drink.
Happy Canada Day to All.