Grande Meadows
Course Update
July 24, 2020
Grande Meadows Golf Course continues to see an increase in activity during some great weather over the past summer.
General Manager Bill Lee and his outside crew have their work cut out for them these days as the main fairways mower is broken down which puts a big strain on our second mower. It means extra work for the staff to keep the course in great shape during this dry spell. So far they are doing a great job. Hopefully they will get the issue fixed soon. Keep up the good work Bill, Peter, Cassie and Greg.
Junior Golf
Junior golf goes Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:00 am while Future Links goes Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:00 pm. Junior registration has doubled this year to 36 young golfers while Future Links has 18 young children learning the basics of golf. If anyone would like to volunteer to help out on either Tuesday or Thursday mornings please call Junior Co-ordinator Eric Evans at the Clubhouse at 826-2600, Stan McCarthy at 277-4566 or John Bugden at 891-1744.
Men's Night
Men's Night has been very popular again this year as over 30 golfers are coming out every Thursday evening to enjoy a round with fellow members. This year golfers book their own tee times from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. There is a different game each night as well as a 50/50 draw. Kudos go out to the Men's Night Organizing Committee for the great job they do in having each night run very smoothly.
13th Annual Burin Peninsula Open Golf Tournament
The 13th Annual Burin Peninsula Open Golf Tournament is scheduled for Saturday July 25. A full field of 48 golfers are taking part with tee times beginning at 8:00am. After the round players will enjoy a lunch and a beverage followed by a presentation of awards in 2 Men's Competitive Divisions, 2 Senior Men's Divisions as well as a Ladies Division. Click here for tee times for Saturday.
Annual Burin Peninsula Health Care Foundation Golf Tournament
It is with regret that the BPHC Foundation has cancelled the annual golf tournament which was scheduled for Saturday September 12. It has been an annual affair for many years with upwards of 200 participants each year but with concerns related to the Covid-19 pandemic the Foundation thought it would be better to cancel the tournament for this year. Hopefully things will ease and the tournament will go ahead in 2021.
Please note that the Grande Meadows clubhouse and Pro Shop are open for shopping and Mulligans Restaurant is open from Thursday to Sunday. Check the Grande Meadows website for open times and the menu.
This week's shoutout goes to Walter Stapleton who recorded an eagle on July 14 by holing out from 150 yards on the Par 5 5th hole. Stapleton has renewed a membership this year after a few years off. Congratulations Walter!
All the best and stay safe.