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Grande Meadows Golf Course
Four Person Best Ball Tournament
Saturday August 22, 2020
15 teams teed it up Saturday morning in ideal conditions for the Annual August 4 Person Best Ball tournament which turned out to a very competitive event. When the dust settled 3 teams were tied for first place with scores of 10 under par 62. Final positions were decided by countback from Hole # 18.
Team 4 consisting of L to R:  Josh Moulton, Matthew Hackett, Tyler Kenway and Jennifer Moulton finished in first place.
Team 2 consisting of L to R: Glenn Price, Deon Grandy, Ben Grandy and Frank Hodder were awarded second position.
Third place went to Team One made up of L to R: Brad Russell, Frank Haskell, Dave Bungay and Jim Welsh.
Fourth place with a 9 under par 63 went to Team Six composed of L to R: Brenda Foley, Glen Picco, Bob Banfield and Terry White.
A three way tie for 5th place with an 8 under par 64 was broken by countback with Team Three consisting of L to R: Barry Stacey, Dave Kenway, Eric Ayers, and Keith Howse being awarded the higher position having birdied Hole #16.
The $85.00 50-50 prize was won by Leo Kilfoy. Many thanks to all the golfers who turned out to make the event an enjoyable one for all who took part.
A special thank you to Marge Welsh for all her efforts with registration. It was much appreciated by all involved.

Tee times start at 8:00am and are listed below. Please try and be there a little early to make sure registration is paid before you start play.
There will be a burger and fries as well as a 2 for 1 Molson Product for each golfer who plays in the tournament Saturday.

There will be prizes for the Top 5 Teams with Gross Scores. In case of ties for any position there will be a count back from Hole #18 to get the higher placing.

As well there will be a 50-50 draw for $2.00 entry fee for each player which should be paid at the time of registration.
Remember that each team members tee shot must be used 3 times.
We look forward to seeing you all on Saturday morning for an enjoyable day of golf.
Tournament Committee

Grande Meadows 4 Person Best Ball Tee Times


Team #







Dave Bungay

Frank Haskell

Brad Russell

Jim Welsh



Ben Grandy

Deon Grandy

Frank Hodder

Glenn Price



Eric Ayers

Keith Howse

Dave Kenway

Barry Stacey



Matthew Hackett

Tyler Kenway

Jennifer Moulton

Josh Moulton



Denny Collier

John Douglas

Mike Douglas

Aaron Stacey



Bob Banfield

Brenda Foley

Glen Picco

Terry White



John Bugden

Kevin Carvery

Randell Evans

Bob Hoyles



Curtis Cheeseman

Leo Kilfoy


Bob Norman



Bill Buffett

Roy Hillier

Bill Lee

Clayton Welsh



Ryan Lane

Bryan Holley

Scott McCarthy

Paul Piercey



Scott Ducey

Glen Pitcher

Scott Power

Colin Hodder



Mike Blagdon

Tracy Blagdon

Mike Russell

Sam Cleal



Morley Adams

George Brushett

Wayne Dodge

Charlie Loughlin



Gus Keating

Gene Power

Dave Brenton

Wayne Wiscombe



Bern Dumaresque

Vic Lundrigan

Stan McCarthy

Gary Taylor


  Team 1 

Dave Bungay

  Team 2 

Ben Grandy

Team 3

Eric Ayers

Frank Haskell

Deon Grandy

Keith Howse

Brad Russell

Frank Hodder

Dave Kenway

Jim Welsh

Glenn Price

Barry Stacey


Team 4

Matthew Hackett

Team 5

Denny Collier

Team 6

Bob Banfield

Tyler Kenway

John Douglas

Brenda Foley

Jennifer Moulton

Mike Douglas

Glen Picco

Josh Moulton

Aaron Stacey

Terry White


Team 7

John Bugden

Team 8

Curtis Cheeseman

Team 9

Bill Buffett

Kevin Carvery

Leo Kilfoy

Roy Hillier

Randell Evans

Wayne Miller

Bill Lee

Bob Hoyles

Bob Norman

Clayton Welsh


Team 10

Ryan Lane

Team 11

Scott Ducey

Team 12

Mike Blagdon

Bryan Holley

Glen Pitcher

Tracy Blagdon

Scott McCarthy

Scott Power

Mike Russell

Paul Piercey

Colin Hodder

Sam Cleal


Team 13

Morley Adams

Team 14

Gus Keating

Team 15

Bernard Dumaresque

George Brushett

Gene Power

Vic Lundrigan

Wayne Dodge

Dave Brenton

Stan McCarthy

Charlie Loughlin

Wayne Wiscombe

Gary Taylor



Post Author: William Short