1959 – 2023

Grande Meadows Annual Invitational Golf Tournament lost another good friend with the passing of Kelly Potts of St. John’s on Friday February 3. Kelly took part in the annual event for 14 years in a row starting in 2006. It was a highlight of his golfing season as he made the annual trek down to Frenchman’s Cove each June.
Kelly loved playing golf at Grande Meadows but I he loved the social aspect of the tournament more than the golf itself. While he did finish in the prizes some years, winning wasn’t high on Kelly’s list of things to do on that weekend.
He loved playing with his buddy, Edgar Hill, each round. However, both of them were at their best while keeping the crowd in the clubhouse entertained once the golf was over for the day. Even though both weren’t great singers they would belt out each song to the top of their lungs as Bernie Halloran played along. In between songs Kelly would own the floor and would have everyone in stitches telling funny story after funny story.
Of course he wasn’t adverse to having an odd cold brew. He loved his Chicago Black Hawks and in the years they were winning he would be even more in his glee. After losing a bet to him one year I had to wear a Dennis Savard jersey for the day at the clubhouse.
The golfers at Grande Meadows who had a chance to play with Kelly have fond memories of him keeping them loose during the round. He was never too serious about things and was always encouraging of his fellow players. He loved seeing them do well but of course lots of times he would make jokes once the round was over. He would give you the gears once there was a large audience around.
The Grande Meadows Annual Invitational will be a lot quieter without a person of Kelly’s presence. We will miss him but we owe him a depth of gratitude for what he brought to our annual event for 14 years. I’m sure he has already gotten together with Ray Warren, Dave Brenton and Bernie Halloran to plan an Annual Grande Meadows Invitational on the other side. Until we meet again my friend.
Our sincerest condolences to Kelly’s family from all the folks at Grande Meadows Golf Course.
Rest in peace Kelly!
Note: Kelly’s obituary can be viewed on Caul’s Funeral Home in St. John’s.