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Grande Meadows

Course Update

June 12, 2020

We are now 4 days into Alert Level 3 and things are progressing well at the course. Lots of members and public golfers are getting out to enjoy the lovely course conditions. As well we are a week into the new lever system for taking the golf ball from the hole and indications are that all golfers are liking it compared to the raised cup.

The Board of Directors and management would like to thank all golfers for diligently following the Covid-19 regulations in place. Please keep up the good work. Check out the following link to monitor the public health guidance regarding Outdoor Recreation Activities from the Department of Health and Community Services. Check back regularly as the situation can change frequently and the site is updated daily.

Outdoor Recreation Activities

The Men's Night Committee would like to inform members that they are hoping to begin Men's Night after Alert Level Two if they are able.

Golf NL has decided to cancel all of its programs for the 2020 season. Executive Director Greg Hillier of Golf NL says, “It is with mixed emotions that I have to inform you that Golf NL has decided to cancel all of its programs for the 2020 season. Taking into consideration the health and well-being of our athletes, staff, volunteers, host club, partners and other stakeholders, the Board of Directors of Golf NL unanimously decided to cancel the remainder of the 2020 Provincial Development Team program, 2020 Provincial Championships and the 2020 Tely Junior Tour.

The decision to cancel these events were not taken lightly, but given the present restrictions regarding competitions, evaluation of the risk associated with hosting the events, ability to migrate and manage these risks and the ability to host quality events, activities and “first class” championships we believe this is the best course of action. The safety and well-being of our coaching staff, development team players, championships competitors, tournament staff and volunteers along with our host site members and staff are the main priority for Golf NL.

While golf leads itself to accommodate social distancing, there are many other factors to take into consideration when reviewing our organization's ability to safety host activities and events.”

It is with regret that we have had to cancel the 23rd Annual Grande Meadows Invitational Golf Tournament. However, due to Covid-19 guidelines in place there wasn't time to organize the tournament at this time. That doesn't mean that at some time later this summer or early fall we wouldn't make an attempt to try and make that happen. There is some interest from many of our visiting golfers from St. John's and Stephenville who would like to attend. Of course there are many factors to consider including such things as what other tournaments may be scheduled at Grande Meadows as well as at other courses around the island.



Tree Growing Out of a Tree

Just wondering who has noticed the two dwarf Alberta Spruce trees growing in front of the clubhouse. I passed by those trees every time I took my golf clubs from my locker but never noticed what looks like a tree growing out of a tree. It was pointed out to me by one of our members. As well he pointed me to a website which explains what is happening here.

It's a process called genetic reversion whereby the dwarf tree reverts back to its original form. I won't try to explain it here but if you check out the link below it will be explained.

I thought those of you who haven't noticed – and there are many – might find it interesting.

Alberta Spruce Tree



The majority of our members who have the RCGA Membership have been inputting scores using the Hole by Hole method. Please try to encourage your fellow golfers who are inputting scores to use this method. Next week I will provide some information here on how the stats can be looked at as well as interpreted.

Grande Meadows Golf Course is offering a reduced membership fee to any person who was not an individual or corporate associate member of Grande Meadows Golf Course in 2019 of $500.00 plus HST which includes RCGA membership. There is also a reduced membership fee for youth 24 and under as well as full time students. Some people have taken advantage of those deals already. If you know of any person who would like to take advantage of this deal contact Kim at 567-0313 or Bill at 277-1101.

A big shout out to Golf Captain Mike Russell who this past Saturday June 6 carded a great round of 73. Included in that round was a hole out for an eagle on Hole #4 and 3 birdies. Mike used his 9 iron to hole out from 132 yards. Great round Michael!

All the best and stay safe.



See Past Updates

June 5, 2020 May 29, 2020
May 22, 2020 May 15, 2020 May 8, 2020 May 1, 2020
April 24, 2020 April 17, 2020 April 10, 2020 April 3, 2020

Post Author: William Short